Tech2U Instructor Training Series: Unleashing the Power of Classroom Technology
Tech2U Instructor Training Series
Unleashing the Power of Classroom Technology

Greetings! We have got some exciting news to share from Learning Space Management, and it is all about equipping instructors with the AV tools they need to take their teaching game to the next level. Welcome to the Tech2U Instructor Training Series, where we turned instructors into tech Gods, one session at a time.

The Tech2U Magic
Tech2U recently rolled out a three-part series of open-for-all Instructor Training Sessions, informing them of the AV tech and support available. Hosted during the weeks of August 14 and 21, these sessions brought together a lively crowd of instructors and department administrators, eager to learn and transform their students learning experience with technology.

Session 1: Instructors learning about wireless devices from technical co-pilot Ian Campbell.
Session 1: Tech2U Introduction
We kicked things off with a bang in our first session, “Introduction to Tech2U & Teaching Stations.” This session was designed with our newbie instructors in mind, as well as those returning from a well-deserved sabbatical. It was all about getting everyone on the same tech-savvy page.
Picture this: instructors, wide-eyed and ready, gathered to explore the secrets of St. George campus classrooms. Our technical co-pilots – Ian Campbell and James Nightingale led these sessions and unveiled the mysteries of teaching, stations, microphones, projectors, and more. It was like a tech treasure hunt! By the end of the session, instructors were navigating the classroom tech terrain like pros.

Session 2: Instructors trying out annotation devices led by technical co-pilot James Nightingale.
Session 2: AV Adventure Continues
In the second session “Build AV Proficiency & Get Acquainted with OCCS,” we took our participants on an adventure deep into the heart of audiovisual wizardry. After a quick recap, the instructors were introduced to the power of Opencast Content Capture System (OCCS), and they learned how OCCS can help them capture, edit, and share their teachings with their students by publishing directly to access Quercus.
Instructors also became familiar with annotation devices which allow instructors to mark changes live in their presentations, making their classes more interactive. It is especially helpful for instructors to highlight important aspects of their presentation and can allow them solve equations within their presentation.
We created an ‘abracadabra’ moment for our instructors when we let them share their content through their phones and iPads without leaving their seats via Air Media. By the end of the session, they felt more confident about using the technology and teaching their classes without being confined behind the podium to access their PowerPoint Presentations and digital notes.

Session 3: Instructors learning the uses of Tech2U PCs from technical co-pilots Ian Campbell and James Nightingale.
Session 3: Level-up Classroom Technology
The grand finale session was all about “Increasing Interaction with Technology.” This session was all about turning instructors into tech titans by exploring the full potential of Tech2U’s classroom transforming portable equipment such as Tech2U PCs, PTZ (point to zoom) cameras, and Yamaha Sound Bars. Tech2U PCs are PCs on wheels that can be pre-booked and made available to instructors. These PCs are set up to run both MAC and Windows operating systems, making teaching easier in classrooms without in-room PCs.
Instructors also got to learn and explore the functionality of Technology Enhanced Active Learning Rooms (TEAL Rooms) and how they would allow them to engage their students more actively. We were able to wrap up the series with a quick recap and a quiz.
Each of these training sessions was a thrilling 90-minute adventure, expertly blending theory with hands-on practice. But what truly sets Tech2U’s training apart is the emphasis on feedback. After all, we believe that a superhero’s journey is never complete without valuable insights.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, feedback was collected at the end of each session. Instructors were thrilled to provide their thoughts and experiences, and the results were nothing short of amazing. The average rating across the three sessions? A mind-blowing 4.88 out of 5! Clearly, our instructors were over the moon with their tech upgrades.
But the adventure does not stop here! Tech2U has even more in store to help instructors harness their newfound tech prowess. Stay tuned for future training sessions, where we will explore the ever-evolving world of classroom technology and how it impacts learning for our students at U of T.