Initiatives & Committees


The Office of the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management leads and partners with divisions from across the University and externally on initiatives to enhance and enrich the student experience.

Student Information System Renewal

This project will identify and implement a future Student Information System (SIS) for the University of Toronto. This involves researching, understanding, and documenting SIS requirements, and could potentially include other core functions associated with student record management that are currently supported through other applications outside the current SIS (ROSI).

The project will occur in three phases: 

Phase 1Business Process Data Collection & Process Streamlining
Phase 2Peer Solution Review & Business Process Streamlining
Phase 3Final Report & Recommendations

Development of Institutional Scheduling Principles

The Working Group on Scheduling Principles was established to review current scheduling practices and make recommendations to improve scheduling practices across the University of Toronto with a goal of developing a student focused academic schedule. A student focused schedule includes developing a schedule of classes that reduces conflicts for students, increases a student’s ability to register in the courses needed to complete degree requirements and provides a reasonable distribution of course options across the days of the week and times throughout the day.

The Hub

This new digital workspace, which was typically multiple paper-based processes, was implemented to improve the undergraduate student experience. This one stop web application (login required) also allows teams across the VP SEM portfolio (Financial Aid and Awards, Admissions, Client Services), and clients and collaborators across the university to do their work in a streamlined and fully digital way.

UTAPS Redesign

The University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students financial aid programs (UTAPS) is being redesigned to improve the need assessment process and the timing of funding distribution to students. The redesigned program will enable the university to issue funding early to current students and to provide newly admitted students with an estimate of their UTAPS allocation. The goal is to provide students with more timely information to help them better plan their finances for their education.

Slate Implementation Project

This project revitalized and streamlined the various processes associated with undergraduate admissions. The implementation of the Slate CRM transformed how the University of Toronto recruits, assesses, and admits new students.

In partnership with tri-campus stakeholders, we are exploring opportunities to fully leverage Slate CRM functionality to improve the student experience, by providing the seamless coordination and integration of our administrative service platforms.

Review of Policies and Procedures for the Use of Instructional Space

The Working Group to Review the Use of Instructional Space (Classroom Facilities) Policies and Guidelines is undertaking a review of current policies and procedures related to the use of instructional space at U of T. The Working Group is tasked with identifying information gaps in existing policies, along with opportunities to streamline various documents into a unified document (policy and guidelines).  The Working Group will consult widely with faculty, staff and students across the University to learn more about the ways in which the University community uses instructional space for non-teaching activities, with the end goal of clarifying existing policies and procedures. The Terms of Reference for this Working Group are available here.

University of Toronto Excellence Award (UTEA)

In partnership with the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, the UTEA program was established to provide undergraduate students with funding to conduct summer research projects under the supervision of a University of Toronto faculty member.

Final Examination Administration Working Group

This working group brings together registrarial team members from across the tri-campus to review current final exam administrative processes and practices with the goal to identify best practices, identify common principles, streamline processes and identify requirements for exam administration tool to support administrative processes. The goal of the working group is to create administrative efficiencies while supporting student success.

Transfer Credit Project

The URO is working with campus stakeholders to implement a solution to streamline transfer credit assessment processes by establishing workflows to create, track, monitor and approve transfer credit assessments for on-admission, post-admission, letter of permission and exchange transfer credit processes. 

Enrichment Academy

The University of Toronto Enrichment Academy is a flagship multi-year scholars pilot program aimed at increasing access and maximizing post-secondary educational outcomes for historically underrepresented Greater Toronto Area students. Beginning in grade 8, Enrichment Academy participants receive comprehensive support through on-campus and virtual learning workshops, interactions with program fellows, tutoring, and inclusive group mentorships.  
These programs and supports are designed to help students maximize their secondary school academic outcomes and help guide them along a university-bound path. The Enrichment Academy ultimately endeavors to ensure each participant is prepared to succeed in reaching their higher education goals. 

Infosilem Academic Implementation Project

The University of Toronto is re-imagining scheduling activities to help support the development of a more student centric scheduling process. To support this work, a new solution, Infosilem Academic, is being implemented across the tri-campus. This solution will also streamline many work processes for scheduling staff. 

Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL)

Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL) is a University of Toronto initiative that draws on tri-campus teaching and learning expertise from faculty, staff and students across the university to inform teaching and learning best practices as they intersect with classroom space and technology.

Through TIL, the University of Toronto takes a human-centered approach to classroom design, identifies and addresses the design and technology needs of the University of Toronto community and disseminates relevant information and updates.


The Office of the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management oversees a number of pan-university and tri-campus committees on various topics.

  • Council of First Entry Deans (CFED)
  • Transforming the Instructional Landscape Advisory Committee (TIL)
  • NGSIS Registrars Advisory Group
  • Registrarial Issues Group
  • Graduate and Professional Faculties Working Group
  • Equity Diversity Inclusion Recruitment and – Admissions Committee (EDIRAC)
  • First-Entry Student Recruitment Committee
  • First-Entry Admissions Committee